Preparing your lounge set for winter
After enjoying your lounge set for a summer, it is important to get it ready for winter. It is time to put away the cushions, give the set a final cleaning and cover your lounge or garden set with a lounge furniture cover. In this blog, we give advice on how to best prepare your lounge set for winter. Think about how to clean your lounge set, in which arrangement you should put the furniture and how to prevent the formation of condensation.
Lounge set cleaning
Unfortunately, the nice summer always comes to an end. After a summer of using your lounge set, it is wise to give it a good clean before winter sets in. This way, you not only prepare your lounge set for the winter weather, but also extend its lifespan. While cleaning, also look out for minor damage. You can then address and repair these before the weather gets worse and worse. Nowadays, there are many different lounge sets made of many different materials. Each material requires a different way of cleaning, which we have listed below:
Wooden lounge sets
Wooden lounge sets need to be cleaned slightly differently from aluminium or plastic sets and require a little more work. Is your set in need of a light cleaning? Then a solution of soft soap and soda is sufficient.f the lounge set needs a more thorough cleaning, it is advisable to use a special cleaner for wooden garden furniture. For example, the Teak & other hardwoods Cleaner from Golden Care or the Cleaners for wood from Hermadix.
Plastic or synthetic lounge sets
Lounge sets made of synthetic materials are a lot easier to clean. Use a soft sponge or brush and lukewarm soapy water, with soft soap, for example. Make sure not to use a hard cleaner or a hard brush. This will quickly damage the material.
Aluminium lounge sets
The easiest to clean are the aluminium lounge sets. You can simply give these a good rinse with a garden hose. Often, polishing with a cloth over the aluminium material is enough. Want to know how to clean a cover before winter? Then have a look at the page garden furniture cover cleaning.
For more information on cleaning your garden furniture, see our blog 'Removing Green Algae from Garden Furniture'.
Can you leave your lounge set outside in the winter?
Some people choose to move their lounge set to a dry place in winter. Of course, this is always the best option, just not possible for many people due to lack of space. Luckily, there are still alternatives:
The best alternative to covered storage is by placing the lounge set under a canopy. This will reduce the set's exposure to weather conditions.
Another option is to cover your lounge set with a protective cover for a lounge set. For both garden sets and lounge sets, this is a good alternative. There are many different sizes of garden set covers and lounge set covers available. The most well-known brands are Raffles Covers, Aerocover and Eurotrail.
Storing garden cushions & lounge cushions
As described above, there are several options for leaving your lounge set outside in winter. However, this is a different story for garden cushions and lounge cushions. To preserve the quality of your cushions, we always recommend storing them in winter and not leaving them on your lounge set. Garden furniture cover shop fortunately also has an extensive range for this. There are various options for storing your cushions in winter. If you have room for it, a cushion box is a must. If not, you can store your lounge cushions with one of the cushion bags from Gardenfurniturecovershop. See the blog 'Storing garden cushions & lounge cushions' for more information.
Protecting your lounge set from winter weather
As described above, it is always better to cover your lounge set or lounge sofa in winter. This way, you prevent your garden furniture from being badly affected by winter weather. When choosing the right cover, pay attention to its quality. There are very high-quality covers, but also protection covers of inferior quality. The covers from Raffles Covers, for example, are frost-proof and can be left outside around your furniture all year round. Snow and heavy rain can't hurt either. This does not alter the fact that it is of course always beneficial to place your lounge set as much as possible out of the wind or in another safe place. This way, you relieve the burden on the protective cover a little, and it too will last a lot longer.
Receive professional advice for your lounge set
Would you like more information about protecting your lounge set and lounge cushions after reading this blog? Or are you just curious about which cover is best for your lounge set? If so, you can always contact us for professional advice on which cover you need. Thanks to our large range of protective covers, we have a suitable cover for every model of lounge set. If you need additional accessories, we can recommend them directly, such as dehumidifiers or sand bags for extra ballast.